Transversal competences

Session 8


This quiz comprises a total of 10 questions and aims to provide you with an informal assessment about your learning path so far. For each question, one or more options can be correct. At the end, you will receive feedback about your correct and incorrect answers. You can retake the quiz.


#1. The process of orientation for employment comprises a set of sequenced phases and actions to improve a person’s employability

#2. The employability assessment/diagnosis only take into account the professional experience of a person

#3. The personal job insertion itinerary is the same for everybody as personal circumstances are similar

#4. In a competency based-training…

#5. Examples of training actions to expanding job opportunities are…

#6. The videocurriculm is a digital tool for job searching

#7. Sessions to review the personal job insertion itinerary may include…

#8. Professionals should adapt their intervention to the target group, adapting sessions and materials when needed

#9. It is rare to find users who need emotional support during their job search process.

#10. Expanding a person’s job opportunities implies…
