Welcome to the Fashion for Inclusion MOOC platform, where we hope to inspire a range of VET professionals and practitioners to boost the social inclusion of difficult-to-employ people (such as immigrants and refugees in vulnerable situations), through the topics of sewing, upcycling, fashion and design.
This MOOC is based on the Fashion for Inclusion Training Program for VET professionals in the fields of Sewing, Upcycling, Fashion and Design (IO2), and is intended to complement it by providing a self-learning material for trainers that includes, among others, case studies, tips for the implementation of the training sessions and bibliographic references for further information. Therefore, we highly recommend that you consult the Training Program as you explore the online course.
For further support materials to use in the training practice we also invite you to check the Fashion For Inclusion Handbook for trainers and trainees on the topics of Sewing, Upcycling, Fashion and Designed (IO4).
Both the Training Program and the Handbook for trainers and trainees are available at https://fashionforinclusion.org/results

this learning path proposes an approach to design and fashion from a global perspective, where the deployment of creativity linked to design opens up to a broader sensitivity.
this learning path provides methods and approaches to encourage immigrants and refugees to get engaged in the fields of social entrepreneurship and upcycling.
this learning path illustrates how sewing can be socially inclusive by creating and reinforcing individual skills and by adapting to all kind of tailor-made products from other cultures.
this learning path approaches transversal competences. Transversal competences are relevant to a broad range of occupations and areas, and are often referred to as core skills, the cornerstone for the personal development of a person.