Fashion & Design

Session 1


This quiz comprises a total of 10 questions and aims to provide you with an informal assessment about your learning path so far. For each question, one or more options can be correct. At the end, you will receive feedback about your correct and incorrect answers. You can retake the quiz.


#1. Unifying, connecting, coordinating our body, our mind and our heart opens us to...

#2. Dancing activates our creative energy, connected with our heart.

#3. Complete abdominal breathing allows us to...

#4. Full abdominal breathing energetically disperses me.

#5. Spontaneous movement is involuntary movement.

#6. Which of these directions is not part of the 5 directions we practice to induce spontaneous movement?

#7. The creative space is...

#8. When we are in a creative state our brain begins to make new neural connections.

#9. In the creative space our movement is at the service of our creativity.

#10. The phenodescription is...
